Shu Ding

Shu (b. 1994, Wuhan, China) is a designer and developer focusing on interfaces and interactions.

Started programming in high school and has since spent 4 years on algorithm competitions, Shu worked as a graphic designer and web developer in Shanghai, cofounded a tech startup company, and got his BSc degree in Computer Science from Fudan University. He also created a lot of game and HCI projects, and taught himself drawing, photography and guitar.

With wide range of interests from engineering to art, Shu always sees “Be curious. Read widely. Try new things.” (by Aaron Swartz) as the guide to creativity.

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  • Web development and design at ZEIT
  • Previously worked as a software engineer at Microsoft, Strikingly, Megvii
  • Bachelor of Computer Science at Fudan University. Shanghai, China, 2013-2017

Web Design & Development

HCI & Game Design

Awards & Honors

  • Game grant winner from Thekla (makers of The Witness and Braid), 2018
  • Top 30. Tencent GAD Game Innovation Competition 2016
  • Outstanding Creative Awards (10 teams), Tencent TPai Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition 2016
  • 1st place. HackShanghai 2015, China’s largest hackathon at the time
  • 6th place. MegCup 2015
  • Gold Medal, 8th place. ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest 2013
  • First prize (<1% nationwide, 2nd place in Hubei provience). NOIP (China National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces) 2012
  • Bronze Medal. NOI (China National Olympiad in Informatics) 2012
  • First prize. NOIP 2011
  • Bronze Medal. NOI 2011
